一个月在村子里。 喜剧有两幕。 伊万·屠格涅夫(16岁以上) 自动翻译
24 Февраля
Воронежский государственный академический театр драмы им. А. Кольцова
пр. Революции, 55
- The fifth season of the year
- Exhibition dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the magazine "Crocodile" in the International Exhibition Center of the Russian Academy of Arts
- Exhibition of paintings "Portrait of a Contemporary" in the House-Museum of Marina Tsvetaeva
- Ausstellung von Werken von Vladimir Mochalov. Porträtkarikatur in Grafik und Malerei
- SOLO FOR CLOCK WITH FIGHT (16+) comedy in two acts
- PODUDANA RIVER (16+) a tale of love