"Night of the Arts 2020" at the State Historical Museum 自动翻译
3 Ноября
Free online tours of history and art and meeting with the creators of the TV series "Tobol"
On November 3, the annual All-Russian cultural and educational action "Night of the Arts" will take place. This year, all events will be held online. The Historical Museum has prepared a series of programs to which everyone can join for free.
The main topic of excursions on this day will be art. You will be able to see the relics of the Romanovs’ house, get acquainted with the masters and masterpieces of the Empire style, learn about the events of the Patriotic War of 1812, depicted on the canvases of the famous battle-painter V.V. Vereshchagin. In the program "Arts Nights 2020" you will find several excursions about important events and outstanding personalities of Russian history, as well as a story about the secrets of ancient treasures, prepared especially for children.
For deaf and hard of hearing visitors, excursions will be available with translation into Russian sign language.
The central event of the "Night of Arts" at the Historical Museum will be a meeting with the creators and performers of the main roles of the television series "Tobol". The broadcast will take place at 19:00 on the VKontakte network. During the meeting, users will be able to ask questions to the participants, and the authors of the most interesting will receive prizes from the museum.
The program of events, times and a link for participating in excursions can be found on the website of the Historical Museum.
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