在普希金博物馆的主楼重新展出。普希金 自动翻译
普希金国家美术馆 AS 普希金将呈现老大师常设展览的新概念。主楼一层的六个展厅将向公众开放,不仅是博物馆空间的全新设计观,更将展现21世纪经典博物馆中古画的现代理念。
拜占庭艺术大厅、15 至 16 世纪德国和荷兰的艺术,以及 17 世纪法兰德斯和荷兰的艺术、伦勃朗及其学校的画作——所有这些空间,对于“普希金”观众来说早已熟悉,将在秋季出现完全转变。
- Renewal of the permanent exhibition in the Main Building of the Pushkin Museum. A.S. Pushkin
- „Anbetung der Könige“ von Otto van Ven – ein Gemälde aus dem 17. Jahrhundert, das in die Sammlung des Puschkin-Museums aufgenommen wurde
- The Museum of Moscow has released an online game "Memories" about the churches of the Tagansky District
- The exhibition "In the family circle" from the collection of the Pushkin Museum im. Pushkin at the Belgorod Museum
- The exhibition "With the family" from the Pushkin Museum im. Pushkin opened in Nizhny Novgorod
- In the Pushkin Museum to them. Pushkin opened the first exhibition of the large-scale project "New Life of Old Masters"