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Gallerix 顶100
George Dawe
Portrait of Emperor Alexander I
Study of a child
Portrait of Tsar Nicholas I of Russia
Portrait of Tsarina Alexandra Feodorovna of Russia
Portrait of General Alexei Yermolov
Portrait of Pavel A. Stroganov
Portrait of Princess Charlotte of Wales and Saxe C…
Cymbeline, King of the South-East of England
Portrait of Prince Mikhail Barclay de Tolly
Mikhael Ilarionovich Golenichtchev Kutuzov Prince…
Princess Charlotte Augusta of Wales and Prince Le…
The Duke of Wellington
Portrait of the artist
General Miguel Ricardo de Alava
Alexander I, Emperor of Russia
Field-Marshal August Neidhardt, Count of Gneisenau
Field Marshal Prince von Blucher
Lt.-General Sir Edward Barnes G.C.B.
Portrait of a dignitary in Turkish costume
The Duke of Wellington
Andromache imploring Ulysses to spare the life of …
Portrait of Princess Charlotte of Wales and Saxe C…
Field Marshal Prince Von Blucher
George Dawe 绘画 此专辑之外
MPA_George Evans_Port Jackson from Dawes Point, 1809-b_sqs
MPA_George Evans_Port Jackson from Dawes Point, 1809_sqs
Доу Джордж в России 1819 1829 Портрет великой княгини Александры Фёдоровны с детьми Холст мас
Portrait of an encyclopedic Vasilyevich Vasilchikova
Portrait of Ilya Ivanovich Alekseyev
Portrait of Ilya Fyodorovich Chernozubova
Portrait by Frank Duque
Portrait of Joseph Karlovich Sokolovsky
Portrait of Joseph Kornelievicha Orourke
Portrait of Joseph N. Galatte
Portrait of Ivan Ivanovich PALITSYNA
Portrait of Ivan Ivanovich Dibich-Zabalkanski
Portrait of Ivan UDOM
Portrait of Ivan Paskiewich ()
Portrait of Ivan Paskevich
Portrait of Ivan Aleksandrovich Nabokov
Portrait of Ivan Aleksandrovich Sonya
Portrait of Ivan Khrushchov
Portrait of Ivan A. Argamakova
Portrait of Ivan A. Lieven
Portrait of Ivan Mikhailovich Vadbolsky
Portrait of Ivan Onufrievich Suhozaneta
Portrait of Ivan Osipovich Witt
Portrait of Ivan Nikitich Inzov
Portrait of Ivan Nikolaevich Essen
Portrait of Ivan Nikolaevich Durnovo
Portrait of Ivan S. Zhevahova
Portrait of Ivan S. Dorokhov
Portrait of Ivan Terentievich Sazonov
Portrait of Ivan Sergeyevich Leontief
Portrait of Ivan Timofeyevich Kozlyaninova
Portrait of Ivan Zakharo Ershov
Portrait of Ivan Bogdanovich Rerena
Portrait of Ivan Argamakova
Portrait of Ivan Manteuffel
Portrait of Ivan Sabaneyeva
Portrait of Ivan G. Geydenreyha
Portrait of Ivan Davydovich Panchulidzeva
Portrait of Ivan Dmitrievich Ilovaisky
Portrait of Ivan Yegorovich Shevich
Portrait of Petrov Troshchinsky
Portrait of Ivan Lavrentevich Fields
Portrait of Ivan Leontyevich Shakhovsky
Portrait of Ignatius P. Russia
Portrait of Robert Rennie Zhukovsky
Portrait of Roman Ivanovich Bagration
Portrait of Fabian Vilgelmovich von der Osten-Sacken
Portrait of Thaddeus Fedorovich Steingel
Portrait of Fyodor Ivanovich Mosolov
Portrait of Fyodor Ivanovich Talyzina
Portrait of Fyodor Ivanovich Sanders
Portrait of Fyodor Fyodorovich Rosen
Portrait of Fyodor Fyodorovich Oertel
Portrait of Fyodor Fyodorovich Levisa
Portrait of Fyodor Filippovich Dovre
Portrait of Fyodor Alekseevich Lukow
Portrait of Fyodor Karlovich Korf
Portrait of Fyodor Nikolayevich Posnikov
Portrait of Fyodor P. Uvarov
Portrait of Fyodor Vasilyevich Riediger
Portrait of Fyodor Vasilyevich Sazonov
Portrait of Fyodor Vasilyevich Tail-van Seraskerkena
Portrait of Fyodor Vasilyevich Zvarykina
Portrait of Fyodor Vasilyevich Driesen
Portrait of Fyodor Viktorovich Nazimova
Portrait of Fyodor G. Gogel
Portrait of Fyodor Yevstafyevich Knipper
Portrait of Ferdinand Fedorovich Wintzingerode
Portrait of Philip Osipovitch Paulucci
Portrait of Cyprian Antonovich Creutz
Portrait of Emanuel Frantsevich Saint-Prix
Portrait of Empress Maria Feodorovna in mourning
A Portrait Shishkov
A Portrait of AS Menshikov
Portrait of Alexander I
Portrait of Alexander Ivanovich Tsvileneva
Portrait of Alexander Ivanovich Chernyshev
Portrait of Alexander Ivanovich Yushkova
Portrait of Alexander Ivanovich Albrecht
Portrait of Alexander Ivanovich Kutaisov
Portrait of Alexander Ivanovich Markov
Portrait of Alexander Ivanovich Ostermann-Tolstoi
Portrait of Alexander Ivanovich Talyzina
Portrait of Alexander Ivanovich Gresser
Portrait of Alexander Fedorovich Shcherbatova
Portrait of Alexander Fedorovich Langeron
Portrait of Alexander Frantsevich Michaud de Boretura
Portrait of Alexander Emmanuilovich Peykera
Portrait of Alexander Alexandrovich Pisarev
Portrait of Alexander Alexandrovich Bashilov
Portrait of Alexander Alexandrovich Bibikova
Portrait of Aleksandr Alekseevich Tuchkova
Portrait of Alexander Yakovlevich Rudzevicha
Portrait of Alexander Yakovlevich Knyazhnin
Portrait of Alexander Yakovlevich Patton
Portrait of Alexander Karlovich Ridingera
Portrait of Alexander Nikitich Seslavin
Portrait of Alexander N. Ryleeva
Portrait of Alexander N. Berdyaev
Portrait of Alexander S. Shulgin
Portrait of Alexanders Zass
Portrait of Alexander P. Urusova
Portrait of Alexander P. Kutuzov
Portrait of Alexander P. Tesleva
Portrait of Alexander P. Tormasov
Portrait of Alexander von Benckendorff
Portrait of Alexander Vladimirovich Rosen
Portrait of Alexander Dmitrievich Balashov
Portrait of Alexander L. Voinov
Portrait of Alexey V. Voeikova
Portrait of Alexei Ivanovich Bartholomew
Portrait of Alexey Yu Gamena
Portrait of Alexei A. Arakcheeva
Portrait of Alexey Protasov Andrianovich
Portrait of Alexis Bakhmetev
Portrait of Alexei Semenovich Kologrivov
Portrait of Alexei Petrovich Melissino
Portrait of Alexey P. Nikitin
Portrait of Alexei Petrovich Ermolov
Portrait of Alexei Vasilyevich Ilovaisky
Portrait of Alexei G. Shcherbatova
Portrait of Akim Karpov Akimovich
Portrait of Andrei Ivanovich Gorchakov
Portrait of Andrey Ivanovich Gudovich
Portrait of Andrey Aleksandrovich Efimovich
Portrait of Andrey Savich Glebova
Portrait of Andrey Semenovich Umantsa
Portrait of Andrey Maslov Timofeyevich
Portrait of Andrei Pavlovich Zass
Portrait of Andrey P. Turchaninova
Portrait of Anton Antonovich Skalon
Portrait of Anton Stepanovich Chalikova
Portrait of Anton Petrovich Greater
Portrait of Apollo Stepanovich Zhemchuzhnikov
Portrait of Adam Ivanovich Bistroma
Portrait of Adam P. Ozharovskogo
Portrait of Arseny A. Zakrevskogo
Portrait of Athanasius Ivanovich Krasovskii
Portrait of Grand Duchess Maria Pavlovna
Portrait of the Duke of Wellington
Portrait of Yakov Potemkin
Portrait of Yakov Petrovich Kulneva
Portrait of Jacob Yegorovich Ginet
Portrait of Prince Filippstalskogo, Ernest
Portrait of Prince Alexander of Württemberg
Portrait of Prince Eugene of Württemberg
Portrait of Prince Leopold of Saxe-Coburg
Portrait of Karl Klodt von F. Yurgensburga
Portrait of Karl Ivanovich Opperman
Portrait of Karl Ivanovich Bistroma
Portrait of Karl Fedorovich Oldekopa
Portrait of Karl Fedorovich Tolia
Portrait of Karl Fedorovich Baggovuta
Portrait of Karl Fedorovich Lowenstern
Portrait of Karl Karlovich Sievers
Portrait of Charles Maksimovic Gertsdorfa
Portrait of Charles Osipovitch Pozzo Di Borgo
Portrait of Charles Osipovich Lambert
Portrait of Karl Ernst Ludwig von Knorring
Portrait of Karl Vasilyevich Budberg
Portrait of Charles Gustavovich Stahl
Portrait of Kirill Fedorovich Kazachkovskogo
Portrait of Konstantin Markovich Poltoratsky
Portrait of Konstantin von Benckendorff
Portrait of Maxim Ivanovich Damasus
Portrait of Maxim Stavisky Fedorovich
Portrait of Maxim Zhukov Kryzhanovsky
Portrait of Matvey Ivanovich Platov
Portrait of Matvey Ivanovich von der Palena
Portrait of Matvey Evgrafovich Hrapovitsky
Portrait of Mikhail Kutuzov Illarionovich
Portrait of Mikhail Ivanovich Mezentseva
Portrait of Mikhail Ivanovich Ponseti
Portrait of Mikhail Fedorovich Naumova
Portrait of Mikhail Fedorovich Vlodeka
Portrait of Mikhail A. Shkapskogo
Portrait of Mikhail A. Arseniev
Portrait of Mikhail A. Miloradovich
Portrait of Mikhail Mikhailovich Volkov
Portrait of Mikhail Nikolayevich Ryleeva
Portrait of Mikhail Nikolayevich Matzneff
Portrait of Mikhail Semenovich Vorontsov
Portrait of Mikhail Stepanovich Vistitskogo
Portrait of Mikhail Bogdanovich Barclay de Tolly
Portrait of Mikhail Dmitrievich Beam
Portrait of Michael L. Treskin
Portrait of Moses Ivanovich Karpenko
Portrait of Modest Matveyevich Okulova
Portrait of Osip Frantsevich Dolon
Portrait of Osip Vasilyevich Ilovaisky
Portrait of Otto Buchholz Ivanovich
Portrait of Otto Fedorovich von Knorring
Portrait of Nikanor Mikhailovich Svechin
Portrait of Nikolai Ivanovich Selyavina
Portrait of Nikolai Ivanovich Depreradovicha
Portrait of Nikolai Fedorovich Titov
Portrait of Nikolai Filippovich Emelyanova
Portrait of Nikolai Alexandrovich Chicherin
Portrait of Nikolai Tuchkova
Portrait of Nikolai Martyanovicha Sipiagin
Portrait of Nikolai Mikhailovich Borozdina
Portrait of Nikolai Nikolaevich Rajewski
Portrait of Nikolai Nikolaevich Khovansky
Portrait of Nikolai Semenovich Sulima
Portrait of Nikolai Vasilyevich Ilovaisky
Portrait of Nikolai Vasilyevich Kretova
Portrait of Nikolai Vasilyevich Vasilchikova
Portrait of Nikolai Vasilyevich Vuicha
A Portrait of Nikolai Vasilyevich Dehtereva
Portrait of Nikolai G. Repnin-Volkonsky
Portrait of Nikolai G. Shcherbatova
Portrait of Nikolai Danilovich Kudasheva
Portrait of Nikolai Demidovich Myakinin
Portrait of Nikolai Dmitrievich Olsufev
Portrait of Semyon Khristoforovich Stavrakova
Portrait Syamyon Gangeblova
Portrait of Semyon Davydovich Panchulidzeva
Portrait of Sergey Fedorovich Yellowbeak
Portrait Efron Repnin
Portrait of Sergei Nikolaevich Ushakov
Portrait of Sergei Nikolaevich Lansky
Portrait of Sergey G. Volkonsky
Portrait of Timofey Ivanovich Zbievskogo
Portrait of Timofey Dmitrievich GREKOVA
Portrait of Stanislas Potocki Stanislavovich
Portrait of Stepan Khilkov
Portrait of Stepan Yakovlevich Repnin
Portrait of Stepan Stepanovich Andrew
Portrait of Stepan Vasilyevich Dyatkova
Portrait Paisija Sergeyevich Kaisarova
Portrait of Panteleimon Yegorovich Benardos
Portrait of Pavel Ivanovich Merlin
Portrait of Pavel Ivanovich Neidgardt
Portrait of Pavel Alexandrovich Stroganov
Portrait of Pavel Alekseevich Tuchkova
Portrait of Paul A. Filisova
Portrait of Pavel A. Shuvalov
Portrait of Pavel Nikolayevich Choglokov
Portrait of Pavel N. Ushakov
Portrait of Pavel Petrovich Turchaninova
Portrait of Pavel Petrovich Suhtelena
Portrait of Pavel Petrovich Palena
Portrait of Pavel Vasilyevich Golenishcheva-Kutuzov
Portrait of Pyotr Ivelicha
Portrait of Pyotr Balabina
Portrait of Pyotr Bagration
Portrait of Peter Fedorovich Yellowbeak
Portrait of Pyotr Alexandrovich Chicherin
Portrait of Pyotr Aleksandrovich Tolstoy
Portrait of Pyotr A. Kikin
Portrait of Peter A. Kozena
Portrait of Pyotr Yakovlevich Kornilov
Portrait of Peter Kirillovich Essen
Portrait of Peter Kornilievicha Suhtelena
Portrait of Pyotr Mikhailovich Kaptsevich
Portrait of Pyotr Mikhailovich Kolyubakin
Portrait of Pyotr Mikhailovich Volkonsky ()
Portrait of Pyotr Mikhailovich Volkonsky
Portrait of Pyotr Petrovich Schrader
Portrait of Pyotr Petrovich Konovnitsyn
Portrait of Pyotr Petrovich Palena
Portrait of Pyotr Petrovich Zagryazhskogo
Portrait of Peter Christianovich Wittgenstein
Portrait of Pyotr Vasilievich Deniseva
Portrait of Peter Gavrilovic Likhachev
Portrait of Platon Ivanovich Kablukova
Portrait of Christian Ivanovich Truzsona
Portrait of Zakhar Dmitrievich Olsufev
Portrait of Bogdan Borisovich Helfreich
Portrait of Boris Yakovlevich Knyazhnin
Portrait of Boris Khristoforovich Richter
Portrait of Boris Vladimirovich Poluektova
Portrait of Burchard Maksimovic Berg
Portrait of Valerian G. Madatov
Portrait of Vasily Ivanovich Harpe
Portrait of Vasily Nikanorovich Shenshin
Portrait of Vasily Sergeyevich Rakhmanov
Portrait of Vasily Sergeyevich Trubetskoy
Portrait of Vasily Denisov Timofeyevich
Portrait of Vasily Petrovich Obolensky
Portrait of Vasily Vasilievich Orlov-Denisov
Portrait of Vasily Vasilyevich Eshina
Portrait of Vasily Vasilyevich Levashov
Portrait of Vasily Kosteņecka
Portrait of Vasily Danilovich Laptev
Portrait of Vasily Dmitrievich Ilovaisky
Portrait of Vasily Dmitrievich Rykov
Portrait of Vladimir Ivanovich Kablukova
Portrait of Vladimir Petrovich Mezentseva
Portrait of Gabriel Amvrosievich Lukovkin
Portrait of Grand Duchess Alexandra Feodorovna with children
George Dawson
Portrait of George Dawson
Portrait Of George Dawson [British School]
George Dawson [British School]
George Dawson and his Friends
George Dawe
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