和平的天空为孩子们 自动翻译
你最初可以通过描绘一个蓝色的天空和浅白色的云彩来装饰儿童房间的墙壁。 在宽大的油漆刷和蓝色和白色色调的丙烯酸涂料的帮助下,创造了一个真正的杰作。 你应该注意这样一个事实,即当蓝色涂料的主要层还没有变干时应该涂上白色涂料。 以这种方式,实现了最大的模仿效果。
- The exhibition "Above Russia clouds", which opened in the Vologda gallery, the artist Evgeny Molev celebrated his anniversary
- Abschlusspräsentation des stadtweiten Programms "KNOW WHERE YOU LIVE?!" in Nord-Butovo
- El desarrollo del pensamiento abstracto en los niños.
- Exhibition "Domashnikovs. Father and Son" at the Center for Contemporary Art of Ufa
- Seascape: harder than it sounds
- Festival OPEN AIR FEST (Yekaterinburg)
- Exhibition by Sergei Chertov "From Earth to Sky"
- Igor Dryomin: Exhibition of paintings by contemporary artists "The Magic of a Woman: Between Heaven and Earth"
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